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Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus has scrumptious shades of pink swirls over the petals of this lovely hybrid. Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus can grow 20 - 30 inches tall and bloom from summer right until fall, enjoy bloom after incredible bloom! Plant these beauties in full sun around the edges of your pond for a breezy, tropical look. These shrub-like plants are hardy and can be placed in the pond with an inch or two of water above the top of the pot. These hybrid hibiscus, Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus, can be planted in your terrestrial garden in moist soil in full to part sun. A delightful look in containers as well! LUNA PINK SWIRL HIBISCUS IS ALWAYS A CUSTOMER FAVORITE!
Height Grow 20 - 30 inches tall
Width 18 - 24 inch spread
Sunlight Requirements Full sun to part shade
Moisture Requirements Moist soil or up to 2 inches of water above the roots
Bloom Profuse bloomer in summer.
Zone Winter Hardy to minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit
May be planted in two gallon or larger container in the pond, our 8 inch Fabric container is a great option.
Use heavy loam soil and place your pots in the shallow area of your pond with 2 inches of water over the top of the pot, in full to part sun. Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus may also be planted in containers or in your landscape. Keep soil moist and plant in full to part sun. Pinch the tops for more lateral branching. Winter hardy to -30F !
123 John Doe Street
Your Town, YT 12345
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Sun: Closed
Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 17:00
Sat: 10:00 - 13:00
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