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Arrow Arum <br> (Peltandra Virginica)

Aucune analyse Aucune analyse
Plant Description


Arrow Arum (often called Tuckahoe, bog arum or green arrow arum) is a hardy, ornamental, pond plant with bold, attractive foliage with large, green  leaves that are shaped like arrowheads. Water is stored in the thick, fleshy stems. In ideal conditions, leaves of mature plants can reach 12-18 inches long and      6  inches wide. Arrow Arum leaves resembles Common Arrowhead (Sagittaria Latifolia) but has an inflorescence spadix rather than flowers.. Arrow Arum grows  with a clump-like habitat and looks quite attractive when planted on the edge of ponds and lakes. Arrow Arum forms a small kernel (often called duck corn) that ducks enjoy eating. Arrow Arum is a striking plant with impressive leaves that looks great in medium to large ponds and lakes, also looks nice when potted and placed in your pond! Great for naturalizing in wetland areas. Propagates from seed or rhizomes.

Height  Mature plant grows 12 - 24 inches tall

Width   Arrow Arum has a 24 inch spread

Light Requirements Full sun to part shade

Moisture Requirements Arrow Arum prefers moist soil or shallow water (up to six inches of water above the roots)

Bloom Produces a white spadix that adds charm and character in the spring

Zone Hardy to zone 4


Planting Instructions


Arrow Arum is a perennial pond plant that blooms from late spring to early summer, forming a spadix rather than flowers). Plant in moist soil or shallow water.   Arrow Arum grows well in full sun to part shade. When potting ,(Fabric Planting Containers are perfect for this!) use heavy loam soil and place with a few inches of water over the roots (established plants can tolerate up to six inches of water over the roots). Arrow Arum does well in marshes and moist, boggy areas. If planted directly into the soil on shorelines, can tolerate up to 1 foot of water above the roots. Plants are hardy and native to North America. 

*Grow lush, healthy pond plants by using fish safe, aquatic fertilizers like Waterlily World Aquatic Plant Tabs

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