
We would be honored to answer your questions about water gardens! During the staffing issues presented as a result of the pandemic we realized that phone questions not only took far too much of our resources away from the core business of managing the nursery operations. We can much more efficiently answer questions before and after work by email as only a few of us are qualified for the detailed years of experience with everything from container gardens to earth bottom natural ponds. Please do not demand we call and discuss your information in detail, we cannot do that. Please respect our decision to keep the help to an online discussion that we can all referenece and you can look back on for our detailed response to answers and suggestions. When filling out the question below let us know where you are, if the matter is new or upcoming, if this is a plant question how deep is the pond. If planning a pond is there a budget. We do not need an exact measurement but a small pond to one person may be a bathtub and a small pond to another person is a quarter acre. Is it in sun or shade? Please also use our website for basic information we have in depth articles on what causes algae and how to get rid of it and prevent it as well as proper planting techniques which should be followed. Plants do not grow in stones, some will survive there but you will kill most of them in stone and most all of our plant will perish grown indoors. We do not ship anything outside the USA.