Soil for Pond Plants, Water Lilies, Water Garden Plants.

Soil for Pond Plants, Water Lilies, Water Garden Plants.

Jan 18, 2023Bharti Task

PondGro Aquatic Planting soil is essential for all pond plants grown in ponds with liners where you plants will be grown in pots rather than in the earth arod the edge of a natural pond that holds water without a liner. Pond Plants do not grow in stones or other mediums. Four of five plant species would perish in stones, some survive in small stones, usually where so much silt and sediment has built up that is what the plant is growing in and not the stones. Fresh stones dumped on a plant normally result in mortality. 

We sell heavy loam soil boxed in 18lb+ boxes shipped to your doorstep. In much of the United States, heavy loam, be it clay loam or sandy loam, exists under turf grass in your yard or garden and is very good and heavy. Well packed and just lightly wetted it will be fine and not harm your pond or cloud your water. Many of our customers have an unnatural and unwarranted fear of planting plants in soil, thinking it will get out into the pond, but used in our fabric grow bags and lowered into your pond slowly and lightly dampened first, the plant and soil go in without messing up the water. You can also quickly raise the water in small ponds by planting shelf plants and filling a pond if possible in minutes around pots on a shelf, note in large ponds that take hours do not plant first and raise the water level as lilies and other plants must stay wet or you lose all the foliage if they dry out after a few moments in the air. 

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